Calorie-dense junk foods are almost twice as distracting as healthy foods, study finds
Even when people are hard at work, pictures of cookies, pizza and ice cream can distract them -- and these...
Read moreDetailsEven when people are hard at work, pictures of cookies, pizza and ice cream can distract them -- and these...
Read moreDetailsOne of the two brain-training methods most scientists use in research is significantly better in improving memory and attention, Johns...
Read moreDetailsPeople who lose a partner to suicide are at increased risk for a number of mental and physical disorders, including...
Read moreDetailsAs Superman flies over the city, people on the ground famously suppose they see a bird, then a plane, and...
Read moreDetailsMore than two in five people receiving buprenorphine, a drug commonly used to treat opioid addiction, are also given prescriptions...
Read moreDetailsThe implementation of state laws legalizing same-sex marriage was associated with a significant reduction in the rate of suicide attempts...
Read moreDetailsHumans and other vertebrates depend on a portion of the brain called the hippocampus for learning, memory and their sense...
Read moreDetailsThe rate of adolescents reporting a recent bout of clinical depression grew by 37 percent over the decade ending in...
Read moreDetailsWhether or not they aced the subject in high school, human beings are physics masters when it comes to understanding...
Read moreDetailsJohns Hopkins University researchers are the first to glimpse the human brain making a purely voluntary decision to act. Unlike...
Read moreDetailsShe no longer recognizes a Van Gogh, but can tell you how to prepare a watercolor palette. She can't recall...
Read moreDetailsAlthough math skills are considered notoriously hard to improve, Johns Hopkins University researchers boosted kindergarteners' arithmetic performance simply by exercising...
Read moreDetailsJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health researchers have found that increases in unemployment in California during the Great Recession...
Read moreDetailsWomen who plan on becoming pregnant are told they need enough of the nutrient folate to ensure proper neurodevelopment of...
Read moreDetailsIn a study prompted in part by suggestions from people with mental illness, Johns Hopkins researchers found that a history...
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