New research sheds light on how positive communication can shape satisfaction and desire within romantic relationships. The study, which utilized machine learning techniques, indicates that the impact of positive communication is more nuanced than previously thought.
While actions like showing affection, offering compliments, and expressing fondness, are generally linked to higher levels of sexual and relationship satisfaction in couples, certain combinations of positive communication appear to lead to varying degrees of satisfaction, influenced by factors like age and the balance of compliments and affection.
The research has been published in Sexual and Relationship Therapy.
“I study the ways in which individuals and couples can maintain satisfying sexual lives over time,” said study author Christine E. Leistner, an associate professor in the Department of Public Health and Health Services Administration at California State University, Chico. “Parenthood is a transition that has been associated with lower levels of sexual satisfaction and desire, especially for women. So, I was interested in this topic because it provides tangible information about communication skills that couples can begin engaging in anytime.”
The researchers collected data from 246 couples, amassing a total of 6,416 observations over a 30-day period. All the participants were either married or cohabiting. Each partner in these couples shared their experiences, providing researchers with a wealth of information about their daily lives. Participants reported on various aspects of their relationships, including the level of positive communication they experienced.
The researchers used two different methods to analyze their findings: traditional statistical analysis and advanced machine learning techniques. These two approaches offered complementary insights into the complex interplay of communication and relationship dynamics.
One of the most significant discoveries was that positive communication consistently predicted higher levels of sexual and relationship satisfaction for both individuals in the couple and their partners. When individuals experienced more positive communication from their partners on a given day, they reported increased satisfaction and desire in their relationship, as did their partners. This emphasized the powerful influence of daily acts of kindness and affection.
While all aspects of positive communication had a positive impact on outcomes, the study also highlighted nuanced differences between the communication subscales. Fondness, affection, compliments, and sharing each played unique roles in predicting satisfaction and desire. For instance, fondness and compliments were strong predictors of sexual satisfaction, while partner’s compliments and affection were particularly relevant for sexual desire.
“The main takeaways are that when individuals with children engage in positive communication that includes 1) expressing fondness toward their partner, 2) providing their partner with physical and emotional affection, 3) complimenting their partner, and 4) sharing or disclosing information about their inner world, they are more sexually and romantically satisfied in the relationship and have more sexual desire for their partner,” Leistner told PsyPost.
“On a daily level, when individuals who are parents perceive their partner engaging in positive communication on a given day, they have higher levels of relationship and sexual satisfaction the next day and their partners have higher levels of sexual desire for them the next day.”
But the researchers were surprised to find several unique nonlinear interactions when using machine learning techniques. These interactions added depth and nuance to the understanding of how positive communication affects satisfaction and desire in romantic relationships.
A noteworthy interaction was discovered between an individual’s perception of their partner’s compliments and affection concerning sexual satisfaction. Surprisingly, at high levels of both compliments and affection, the interaction predicted a decrease in sexual satisfaction for most participants. However, for a subset of participants, having high levels of compliments and affection actually increased sexual satisfaction.
This finding suggests that, for some couples, an abundance of compliments and affection positively predicts sexual satisfaction, but for others, it may lead to lower sexual satisfaction.
In addition, age was found to influence the connection between perceived affection and sexual desire differently for older and younger partners. Younger individuals reported higher sexual desire when their partners were perceived as less affectionate, whereas older individuals experienced higher sexual desire when their partners were more affectionate. This finding suggests that age may impact how sexual desire is expressed or communicated within couples.
“Our results demonstrate that positive communication between romantic partners is linked to higher levels of sexual and relationship satisfaction and sexual desire for both partners,” Leistner explained. “However, the machine learning analysis reveals that this link may not be positive or linear for everyone for every outcome.”
While this study offers valuable insights into the importance of positive communication in romantic relationships, it’s important to acknowledge some limitations. Firstly, the sample primarily consisted of white, educated, and heterosexual couples. Future research should aim to include more diverse groups to ensure the generalizability of these findings across different populations and relationship dynamics.
Additionally, this study focused solely on positive communication and did not explore negative communication patterns. Understanding the interplay between positive and negative communication could provide a more comprehensive understanding of relationship dynamics.
The study, “Associations between daily positive communication and sexual desire and satisfaction: an approach utilizing traditional analyses and machine learning“, was authored by Christine E. Leistner, Laura M. Vowels, Matthew J. Vowels, and Kristen P. Mark.