A new study sheds light on the relationship between anxiety and support for right-wing populist parties. The findings highlight that anxiety plays a significant role in shaping contradictory attitudes, driving both authoritarian submission and anti-elitism in different contexts.
A recent study found right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation have significant genetic underpinnings. The findings highlight the genetic influence on ideological attitudes.
New research links "dark" personality traits and left-wing authoritarianism with environmental activism, suggesting motivations may include both altruistic and self-serving aspects.
A recent study reveals that antisemitism is predicted not just by right-wing extremism, but also by facets of left-wing authoritarianism, with a strong correlation to beliefs in conspiracies as well. The research challenges the oversimplified view that antisemitism is exclusive...
A study published in Scientific Reports has found that individuals with authoritarian bosses are more likely to agree with fake news, suggesting that leadership styles can influence perceptions of misinformation. Despite variations in demographics and political ideology, the study, which...
Authoritarianism serves as a pathway between watching television and the level of support for Donald Trump, according to new research published in Public Opinion Quarterly. In other words, watching television can indirectly influence support for Trump by shaping or reinforcing...
New research provides evidence that people with an elevated sense of victimhood are more likely to engage in cyberbullying. The findings provide a better understanding of how personality traits and authoritarian tendencies are related to abusive behavior on the internet....
Narcissistic individuals and those with psychopathic tendencies are more likely to strongly endorse left-wing antihierarchical aggression, according to new research published in Current Psychology. Antihierarchical aggression refers to a specific type of hostility aimed at challenging or opposing hierarchical power...
New research provides evidence that left-wing authoritarianism is a valid concept that predicts important real-world phenomena, including restrictive communication norms and dogmatism. The findings, published in Frontiers in Psychology, are based on data collected from more than 8,000 U.S. residents...
A series of three studies in Germany found that people living in poverty frequently experience exclusion from different aspects of society and devaluation leading to the feeling of shame. Such shame, in turn, increases their support for authoritarianism due to...
Two aspects of right-wing authoritarianism are associated with a heightened desire to cut down those with a high level of achievement and/or success, according to new research published in The Journal of Social Psychology.
Childhood experiences can predict leadership preferences in adulthood, according to new research published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences. The findings indicate that people who experience greater adversity in childhood are less likely to invest in social relationships, which...
The threat of terrorism has been shown to shift societal norms toward authoritarianism. Research published in Political Psychology analyzed data from the 2017 British Election Study (BES) and found that terrorism threat shifts libertarians toward more conservative attitudes. On the...
New research indicates that heightened perceptions of moral division intensify support for strong leaders. The study, published in Political Psychology, found that the perceived breakdown of society plays a key role in this relationship.
Right-wing authoritarianism is not necessarily associated with hostility toward outgroups, according to new research published in the scientific journal Political Psychology. Instead, authoritarian individuals appear to "go with the flow" of the prevailing culture.