LSD increases neural complexity and reduces certain brain wave frequencies, which correlates with feelings of elation, according to new research.
Low doses of MDMA may reduce challenging effects of LSD and psilocybin, increasing positive experiences like love and self-compassion, according to Scientific Reports. This supports the therapeutic potential of "candy flipping" and "hippy flipping."
Researchers at the University of Chicago found that low doses of LSD may have antidepressant effects in individuals with mild to moderate depression. This groundbreaking study opens new possibilities for alternative mental health treatments.
A new study in Substance Use & Misuse found a significant increase in LSD use among U.S. business managers from 2006 to 2014. Analyzing data from over 168,000 full-time workers, the research showed a 1100% rise in LSD use among...
New research provides evidence that LSD alters the effects of brain stimulation and produces different and potentially larger changes in brain activity. The preliminary findings suggest that psychedelic drugs and brain stimulation may have a synergistic effect that could be...
A study published in Neuropsychopharmacology provides new insight into how the psychedelic drug LSD influences the way different brain regions communicate. The findings suggest that LSD disrupts the brain's gatekeeping process, leading to increased information flow and altered perception.
The psychedelic drug lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) make people learn faster when receiving feedback and enhances exploratory behavior, according to new research published in Psychological Medicine. The findings could help shed light on the underlying cognitive mechanisms behind the potential...
People who use psychedelic substances in an attempt to self-treat their mental health tend to report mild-to-moderate positive outcomes, according to new research published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology. But there were more negative effects reported by these individuals than...
A single, low dose of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) can increase reward-related brain activity, according to new research published in Neuropsychopharmacology. The study indicates that the psychedelic drug alters neuropsychological processes that tend to be blunted in patients with depression.
LSD appears to induce both improvements and impairments to cognitive functioning that can be observed on the day after consumption, according to a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in European Neuropsychopharmacology. The findings shed new light on the prolonged cognitive...
In the 1960s, research surfaced linking psychedelic use to an increased risk of cancer. But a new study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology found no such link. The researchers studied recent data from a large national survey of Americans and found...
LSD-assisted therapy could provide benefits to patients struggling with anxiety disorders, according to new research published in Biological Psychiatry. The findings suggest that the psychedelic drug can produce notable reductions of anxiety and comorbid depression symptoms.
"This, together with other rodent work, points one towards thinking that psychedelic drugs on their own don’t have any inherent, persistent healing effects, but need something further for the therapeutic effects, which in human trials of course most likely is...
New research published in Experimental Neurology provides some initial evidence that the psychedelic substance known as LSD has nootropic properties. The study found that LSD increased markers of neuroplasticity in human brain organoids, increased novelty preference in rats, and improved...
A new randomized controlled study of LSD microdosing has failed to find evidence that the psychedelic practice results in improvements to mood or cognition.