Unmarried individuals have a higher risk of depressive symptoms across countries, with greater risk in Western nations, males, and those with higher education. Alcohol consumption and smoking partially mediated this risk in certain populations.
A South Korean study found that for every 1°C rise in annual temperature since 1961–1990, the odds of moderate depressive symptoms increased by 13%, with stronger effects in urban areas, younger adults, and long-term metropolitan residents.
Men with psychiatric symptoms and more severe anhedonia showed increased functional connectivity between the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus and the nucleus accumbens, suggesting a neural basis for anhedonia linked to reward-processing brain regions.
Researchers recently validated a Turkish Niceness Scale, showing niceness as a distinct trait linked to lower depression and higher happiness.
Depression symptoms are associated with effort-based decisions: anxiety with greater cognitive effort, anhedonia and apathy with physical effort avoidance, and greater depression severity with lower task-leaving thresholds.
Adolescents with low emotional clarity and higher levels of inflammatory markers (C-reactive protein and interleukin-6) showed more severe depressive symptoms after five months, highlighting emotional clarity's role in the relationship between inflammation and depression severity.
Physically active children, including those with autism or ADHD, exhibit significantly lower rates of anxiety and depression compared to their inactive peers.
A study found that virtual reality cognitive training improved attention, memory, and emotional symptoms in depressed adolescents, suggesting it could be a promising addition to traditional treatments for mild to moderate depression.
Frequent online ghosting in adolescents is linked to increased social avoidance, depressive symptoms, and non-suicidal self-injuries.
fMRI neurofeedback can help people with depression by teaching them to control brain activity linked to their symptoms. It shows immediate effects and builds stronger results over multiple sessions, improving brain connectivity in key networks.
Young women using oral contraceptives showed stronger depression-like patterns in automatic cognitive tasks during active hormone intake, while self-reported mood indicated more negative feelings during the hormone-free phase.
Mothers with postpartum depression provide fewer supportive responses to their infants’ positive emotions, which increases toddlers’ depressive symptoms, highlighting maternal socialization as a key mechanism in intergenerational depression transmission.
Teaching daily reflection techniques alongside psychotherapy can reduce depression and boost well-being, but these effects fade without sustained practice, a new study reveals.
Pathological narcissism traits, particularly vulnerability and grandiosity, are associated with variations in how depression relates to suicidal thoughts, underscoring the importance of considering personality traits in suicide risk assessments and interventions.
Metformin not only helps control blood sugar but also significantly reduces depression, anxiety, and stress in people with type 2 diabetes, according to a 24-week study.