A recent study published in Communication & Sport has unveiled intriguing findings about the influence of reality TV shows on viewers' health behaviors.
A recent study from West Virginia University revealed that celebrities don't inherently influence public perceptions of vaping's social acceptability. Instead, personal affinity for the celebrity and the desire to emulate them are pivotal in shaping these views.
New research sheds light on how audiences rely on romantic beliefs to evaluate infidelity committed by their favorite celebrities. The findings, published in the journal Psychology of Popular Media, provide insight into the nature of the relationship between romantic beliefs...
After watching a video meant for participants to build a relationship with the video creator and a video where the creator talked about his/her mental health issues, experimental groups scored lower on explicit prejudice assessments compared to controls who only...
Podcast listening may help people fulfill their social needs, according to recent findings published in PLOS One. The study found that people who listened to more podcasts per month reported a greater presence of meaning in life and those who formed...
A parasocial relationship refers to a one-sided relationship in which one person develops an emotional connection with another person (typically a celebrity, an influencer, or a popular fictional character). According to new research, these relationships can heightened the persuasive power...
Humans have a fundamental need to connect with others and have developed new ways of experiencing belonging. One of these are parasocial relationships, which are relationships between a media viewer and character or celebrity. New research published in Psychology of...
Can tweens’ eating habits be affected by messaging from influencers? A study published in Frontiers in Psychology suggests that a thin influencer does not affect food choice in kids between 11 and 13, while an overweight influencer may be able...
"Our favorite celebrities and fictional characters may become even more important components of our social worlds when we experience severe alterations to our friendships. Moreover, if we rely solely on media technologies to stay in touch with real-life friends, the...
According to findings from the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, the way we engage with fictional characters is in part a reflection of our attachment styles. The study revealed that people who are high in anxious or avoidant attachment...
A study published in the Journal of Sex Research found that when men watched pornography through virtual reality (VR) technology, they felt more desired, more flirted with, and more connected to the actresses, compared to when they watched pornography through...