A study found that administering testosterone to young men reduced their sensitivity to angry facial expressions but did not affect their recognition of fearful faces, suggesting testosterone may influence aggressive behavior by altering perception of social threats.
A recent study found that older men with low testosterone and high neurofilament protein levels are at a significantly higher risk of cognitive decline, suggesting these biomarkers can effectively predict future dementia.
A study found that female orgasms significantly boost perceptions of male masculinity, especially in men with low testosterone, while using Viagra without erectile dysfunction can reduce these perceptions.
Recent research indicates that men using anabolic-androgenic steroids struggle to accurately recognize emotions of anger and disgust, with these challenges more pronounced among those with steroid dependence.
A study of Japanese university rugby players found that higher testosterone levels significantly boost dominance behaviors as individuals climb the social hierarchy within their team, shedding light on the complex interplay between hormones and social dynamics.
A study in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience reveals how testosterone may shift teens' focus from family to peers, highlighting its role in the social re-orientation of transgender boys undergoing hormone therapy.
Men who use muscle-boosting steroids are more likely to suffer from poor sleep quality. The findings, published in BMC Psychiatry, suggest that these sleep issues might persist even after steroid use ends.
A study conducted on young men found that applying testosterone gel to their upper arms eliminated their strategic prosocial behavior, which is the tendency to act more prosocially when observed by others.
Testosterone reduced fear in women with social anxiety disorder, most notably in those with strong avoidance tendencies, according to new research. However, this effect did not persist nor influence overall symptom severity.
A study spanning eight weeks, focusing on girls aged 11 to 14, found that weekly fluctuations in testosterone levels could predict mood changes. However, the strength and nature of this correlation varied based on theta wave activity in the frontal...
A recent study reveals that testosterone reactivity influences aggressive behavior in young men, especially when paired with feelings of shame. The research underscores a complex relationship between hormonal responses to social exclusion and individual shame proneness, impacting subsequent aggressive behavior.
A study conducted on male weightlifters in Norway found that those who used anabolic-androgenic steroids exhibited significantly more symptoms of psychopathology than those who did not use these substances. On the other hand, they were much stronger than non-users, although...
A recent study in Psychological Science discovered a positive correlation between agentic narcissism and testosterone levels in men. While agentic narcissism (associated with assertiveness and feelings of superiority) was found to relate to elevated testosterone levels, antagonistic and neurotic narcissism...
New research reveals that testosterone's effect on the brain's emotional regulation regions changes over time, facilitating control during adolescence but impeding it in adulthood. This discovery underscores the complex, age-dependent role of this hormone in brain development. The study was...
New research published in Heliyon explores the relationship between prenatal testosterone exposure and psychopathic personality traits. The findings indicate that there is a connection between prenatal testosterone exposure and increased egocentricity among men, but not among women. These results add...